Master List

This is a collection of all the #ARTweLIKE posts on this blog, several things are under the category tag that aren’t included here. This is a curated selection of over 200 artists whom I have an deep and abiding affection for, that were almost solely discovered while surfing the web.

You can also view them in galleries for 2014roundup for 2015& the latest roundup for 2016

1-100 |   101-200   |   201-

  1. Art Aflame

  2. Lee Jung

  3. Jon Rafman

  4. Takayuki Takeya

  5. Diego Aroyo

  6. Neil Wax

  7. Creedmoor | Hannah Frishberg

  8. Alice Attie

  9. Stocktown

  10. Carol Beckwith & Angela Fisher

  11. James Mollison: Disciples

  12. Exquisite Horror

  13. Anthony Pappone

  14. Annie Sieg

  15. Expansion

  16. Shi Jin Song

  17. Newt Clement

  18. Criatipos

  19. HB Creative

  20. Louis Faurer

  21. Victoria Siemer

  22. Russell Young

  23. Abby Ross

  24. Ben Cranke

  25. Micaël Reynaud

  26. No Boni

  27. Przemysław Lasak

  28. Afrofuzion

  29. 80s Hardcore Art Photography

  30. Peter Paul Rubens [gif]

  31. Dancers Against Racism

  32. Martin Klimas

  33. Shirin Barghi

  34. Kevin Weir

  35. Nathaniel Russel

  36. Leontine Greenberg

  37. Scott Biersack

  38. Paul Villinski

  39. Tatyana Fazlalizadeh

  40. Cinemagraphs

  41. Movie Cinemagraphs

  42. Mike Wrobel

  43. Jean-Michel Basquiat

  44. Pierre Imans

  45. Jonas Åkerlund: Alter Ego [ video ]

  46. Anthony Wright

  47. Tristan Eaton

  48. Liamm

  49. A.L. Crego

  50. Remus Tiplea

  51. Natalie Kim

  52. Jon Crispin

  53. Masayoshi Sukita

  54. Andreas Englund

  55. 1:54 Exhibit

  56. Anna Garforth

  57. miurn

  58. Paul Fryer

  59. Nigel Van Wieck

  60. Robert Barry

  61. Ferdinando Scianna

  62. autovac

  63. Vogue Italia

  64. Lemi Poniasio

  65. Gordon Parks

  66. Sam O’Hare

  67. Bambi

  68. Kelly Mark

  69. George Henein

  70. Maïmouna Guerresi

  71. Criatipos in Philly

  72. Ray Johnson

  73. Howard Barry (HB Creative)

  74. Antonio Mora

  75. Devin Mitchell

  76. Gran Fury (collective)

  77. Marianela Perelli & Pool Paolini

  78. Greg Dunn

  79. Robert Longo

  80. Giampaolo Sgura

  81. Jiang Zhi

  82. Sean Colello

  83. Greg Dunn

  84. Danny Lyon

  85. Craig Damrauer

  86. Jacob Sutton: Sergei Polunin

  87. Patrick Hübschmann

  88. Vincent LaForet

  89. Ray Johnson

  90. Mourad Merzouki

  91. Cassette

  92. Adam Vorhes

  93. Sisters Popovy

  94. David Olenick

  95. Kacper Kowalski

  96. Bones The Machine & DJ Aaron

  97. Mark Culmer

  98. Nick Donkin and Melodie McDaniel

  99. Sergei Polunin & David LaChapelle

  100. Chris Roberts-Antieau

1-100 |   101-200   |   201-

One thought on “#ARTweLIKE

  1. Pingback: ART we LIKE: Sweet Dreams are made of this | astound me: D.A. Królak

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