Warm Tidings?

Nothing says Christmas Spirit like sleeping with the windows open & 60 degrees outside at near midnight… mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Simply Stunning

This is the animation done by Globaïa for the short film ‘Welcome to the Anthropocene’ commissionned for the Planet Under Pressure conference.
The film charts the growth of humanity into a global force on an equivalent scale to major geological processes. The film is part of the world’s first educational webportal on the Anthropocene

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Angels Fear

There is a parable which says that when the ecological god looks down and sees the human species sinning against its ecology—by greed or by taking shortcuts or taking steps in the wrong order—he sighs and involuntarily sends the pollution and the radioactive fallout. It is of no avail to tell him that the offense was only a small one, that you are sorry and that you will not do it again. It is no use to make sacrifices and offer bribes. The ecological God is incorruptible and therefor is not mocked.

—Gregory Bateson

From Angels Fear, page 142