Most Popular: Quarterly

Q3 2015: The most popular posts of the past 3 months


  1. #StopBullying Poster Series
  2. Straight Outta…#StraightOutta Memes
  3. Tom Hardy Appreciation Post
  4. Stop Bullying or Stop Stealing?
  5. Ode To Chicken Lyrics
  6. #StoneMountain7
  7. GoT: These Crows Ain’t Loyal
  8. Apollo 11 Flight Dynamics [Infographic]
  9. we’re having a misunderstanding
  10. GoT: More Memes from Season Five
  11. GoT: Ramsay Bolton
  12. If you cant point Zimbabwe out on this map
  13. Mad Max: Fury Road | alt minimalist posters
  14. #ARTweLIKE: Antonio Mora
  15. Mad Max: FURY ROAD | New Trailer Alert
  16. #DearNonNatives
  17. No end in sight for #StraightOutta
  18. Constellation: Evolution
  19. GoT: LOVE to HATE him [George R.R. Martin]
  20. PSA: Keep your kitty off the streets
  21. Liberté | Égalité | Beyoncé
  22. David Bowie [ICON]
  23. #BernieSoBlack?
  24. GoT: Memes [Dance of Dragons]
  25. RIP: Edwige Belmore

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Piracy: Book Cover Draft

I’d have bought this:

I then came up with a new idea to do a meta-book type of design, where I laid a piracy reference over a faux old book. The chain didn’t work because it reinforced the nautical sense of the word piracy and the CD was wrong because it’s already anachronistic and too specifically tied to music piracy. But this idea of superimposing something on top of a faux old book ended up being important.

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What’s Up With That: Why It’s So Hard to Catch Your Own Typos

This explains why your readers are more likely to pick up on your errors. Even if you are using words and concepts that they are also familiar with, their brains are on this journey for the first time, so they are paying more attention to the details along the way and not anticipating the final destination. Continue reading

Harlem Hopscotch

One foot down, then hop! It’s hot.
          Good things for the ones that’s got.
Another jump, now to the left.

          Everybody for hisself.

In the air, now both feet down.
         Since you black, don’t stick around.
Food is gone, the rent is due,

          Curse and cry and then jump two.

All the people out of work,
         Hold for three, then twist and jerk.
Cross the line, they count you out.

          That’s what hopping’s all about.

Both feet flat, the game is done.
They think I lost. I think I won.

via Harlem Hopscotch by Maya AngelouThe Poetry Foundation


Edwige Belmore: Death of a Punk Queen

Lisa Webster, religious scholar & co-editor-in-chief of Religion Dispatches:

I met Edwige at an ashram in upstate New York in 1988, where she’d been living for a year — being clean, being happy. She was, of course, the person assigned to welcoming guests, sharing the house rules. Doing the door, in other words. She became my beloved, my guru, my frustration and joy, for the next five years in New York, then Seattle and Miami Beach. We went to India together for four months, too. Our breakup was just a jolt in the road — I have held close to her great heart for more than half my life. Her greatest grace? She loved fiercely and without fear. Edwige could cross a border like nobody else: high-low, fashion-street, church-ashram. Her two career aspirations as a child? Nun and race-car driver.

(emphasis mine, not in original)

via Edwige Belmore: Death of a Punk Queen | NYMag


Wise Words

Edwige Belmore:

Omg, there is So much on my mind, about my Life,
my Journey,with all of you my Beloved Companions,
every step I took on this hard, shining, storming,
amazing road, was with one or more of you by my side.
I have to also recognize FB for making this Virtual Reunion possible.
We’ve lost so many of our peers and dear ones already, it feel(s)
incredibly comforting to feel that even aging far away,
Love feels the same. I Thanks You All my Dear, Dear Ones.
My Gratitude, my Love, my Faith will always
be with you. On your sleeve, or deep in your heart.
I have no real idea what this Life of mine was about,
except for the Oneness of being with each and everyone.

(March 1, 2015, near Lemon City, Florida)

Edwige Bellmore Gallery Grid DAKrólak

Note: And that folks sums up what it was like to meet her, get to know her beautiful spirit and spend even a few minutes with her. They do not come along often in life, but when they do, grab on take hold, and cherish it. “Love Feels the Same”


Fall From Elegance with a dull thud

I am not a graceful person. I am not a Sunday morning or a Friday sunset. I am a Tuesday 2am, I am gunshots muffled by a few city blocks, I am a broken window during February. My bones crack on a nightly basis. I fall from elegance with a dull thud, and I apologize for my awkward sadness. I sometimes believe that I don’t belong around people, that I belong to all the leap days that didn’t happen. The way light and darkness mix under my skin has become a storm. You don’t see the lightning, but you hear the echoes.

—Anna Peters

The Power of Grace Jones 

What about Lady Gaga?

Grace Jones Rooftop NYC
“She is obsessed!” Ms. Jones said, laughing dismissively.

“She’s been trying to get me to work with her forever. She’s even gone to my brother in L.A. to get him to try and talk me into it.”

(The brother, Noel, later said that he was never approached by Lady Gaga, but that he is friends with someone in her “inner circle” and they discussed the idea of a collaboration.)

Young Grace Jones Close-Up Face

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